Friday, July 29, 2011

Leaving kamp was very bittersweet for me for a lot of reasons. When I left auburn I didn’t really feel like I had anything to return to aside from my family. So going to kamp was pretty risky for me, not knowing where I was going and not knowing what would be waiting for me when I returned. That left me in an excellent place for god to work in me though. While I was scared to death, I was malleable for the first time in a long time. This summer jesus recaptured my heart and romanced me in ways I didn’t think were possible. I can honestly say that I fell in love with him this summer. He drew me into the desert and whispered sweet words to me. There were days I got distracted and times I fell short, but he was so present in my life. I could feel it. I made amazing friends and had incredible mentors who poured into my life. I spent every day with people who were pursuing Christ in their lives. I didn’t have to hide who I was or what I struggled with, and I had people who loved me for the good and helped me sort through the bad. Being back in the ‘real world’ just can’t compare to the community I was part of at kamp, and that’s okay, but adjusting back to real life in a way that’s glorifying to god is crucial for my spiritual growth.
I’ll be honest, I have definitely been a bit lazy the last week, but the good news is that I can feel it. I love that. Lord thank you for giving me a heart that desires you and craves your presence even when my flesh is lazy. The last couple of days he has been reminding me of how much I need him in a very literal way. I’ve got some baby version of bronchitis…or brontosaurus…essentially death warmed up in my lungs/throat area. It is gross and not very fun, but I’ll live. The metaphor is that I let it go for just a few days too long…and now I feel like dying if I forget one of my medications. Sadly my spiritual life was in the same area. I let it float along for just a few days and I’ve found myself gasping for a breath of his presence. Fortunately god responds much quicker than any medication and he immediately wraps me up in himself and I can breathe. I don’t know about you, but while I love being rescued, I’d rather not need to be rescued. I’d rather be right in the center of his will bringing glory to his name and fulfilling my purpose on this planet by making his name famous. I really need to stay on top of that. There isn’t one thing on this planet that’s more important than my relationship with the king. I’ve also noticed a distinct pattern in my attitude throughout the day based on whether or not I’ve stopped and made time for the lover of my soul. It’s just common sense. And I need to stop letting my lazy flesh get the best of me.
Don’t we serve a gracious god?! I don’t know what I would do without him. He understands me and accepts me for who I am. How cool is that? The creator of the galaxies thinks I’m worth rescuing on a daily basis! That’s pretty rad. I’m just reminded of his desire for me and repeatedly knocked straight to my knees in thanks for who he is. In Isaiah 43:1 God says that he has called us by name, he has redeemed us and that we are his. When I see ‘you are mine’ written about me…by the king of the universe…it gives me chill bumps. Or how about psalm 45:11? The king is enthralled by your beauty….whoa. God has been reminding me of how much he desires me lately…and I just thought I’d share. Somewhere in exodus if you read kjv god refers to us as his peculiar treasures. I’ve always loved that. What a perfect way to describe us! I know I’ve been blessed to have some brilliant examples of this sweet phrase in my life and it can never hurt to be reminded of that. You know who you are. Love you. Thanks for being in my life.
Lord thank you for who you are. Thank you for wanting us. Thank you for blessing me with the friendship of some of your very best peculiar treasures. Give me a constant thirst for your presence. I don’t want to be able to make it through a day without diving into your word and losing myself in your truth. I want to glorify you in everything I do. Use me lord.

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