Friday, July 8, 2011

still playing catch up.

Wow Lord. I don’t even know where to begin. You brought me here in a state of brokenness…to the point that I didn’t even realize how broken I was. I’ve learned so much since I got here and I feel like I still have an infinite amount to learn before I can come close to understanding who you are. I don’t want to forget the things I’m learning, all the little steps in my journey with you this summer. You’ve taught me so many things that are just…mind boggling…and I want to hold on to them.
• It’s ok to be single…and it is possible to enjoy it.
• Happiness is a choice. Circumstance doesn’t influence that, only your presence does.
• I can be truly satisfied solely by you.
• I won’t always feel your presence, but you are ALWAYS there.
• I think too much, and when my mind gets me carried away it’s alright to bring all of those silly thoughts to you and you will help me sort through them and give me new eyes to see each thought with.
• My sole purpose on this earth is to glorify you and everything I do either makes your name famous or doesn’t. There is no gray area.
• Discontent is not a facet of my personality. It is a sin that I have to acknowledge and fight DAILY.
• Sin is anything that keeps me from the freedom and joy you’ve promised me as your daughter.
• Fighting the same sin over and over isn’t a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength for realizing the sin and for taking steps to repent of it. Satan just fights harder to keep me lost in sin.
• My feelings will lie to me. Your truth is the only thing that will set me free.
• When I am truly in step with you I feel like a fish out of water without your word.
• Bible studies are great, but they are not your word. The bible is a daily necessity in order to maintain closeness with you.
• You don’t get frustrated with me for struggling against my flesh, you’re proud of me for choosing you instead.
• My flesh will fight against my spirit for control of my actions and I have to look objectively at everything I do in order to bring you glory.
• My circumstance in daily life depends on my relationship with you and my state of mind.
• Talking to any guy is a stumbling point for me. I need to be alone with you for right now.
• Even though my heart is healed from my past heartache, it isn’t secure enough in you for anything else.
• My dream of having a husband and a family may or may not come true…but my walk with you and my mindset will determine my happiness in life.
Thank you for being so patient with me Father. I know that I’m headstrong and independent, but every morning you greet me with your outstretched hand and endless grace. Thank you for seeing through all of my flaws and choosing me to be your precious one. Thank you for calling me by name and redeeming me. I love you more than words can express. I’m thrilled to be caught up in your divine romance.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. :)
